Private Company = Personal Risk: How To Protect Yourself

hallway of private company with muir insurance

In an era where entrepreneurship is on the rise and startups are mushrooming across various industries, many individuals are drawn to the allure of private companies. The promise of innovation, rapid growth, and potential financial rewards can be enticing, but…

Experience Modification Rating: What It Is and Why It Matters

person pointing to computer screen while understanding experience modification rating with muir insurance

In the complex world of commercial insurance, businesses are constantly seeking ways to manage risk and reduce costs. One vital tool in achieving this balance is the Experience Modification Rating (EMR). Although it might sound like technical jargon, understanding EMR…

Life Insurance: The Differences Between Term and Whole

Life insurance is a great way to mitigate risk and provide for others in the event of your passing. There are two types of life insurance policies, term life insurance and whole (or permanent) life insurance, that offer distinct features and benefits. Here's what you need to know about the key differences between them.

Understanding Types of Boat Insurance Coverage

Navigating the sea of options for boat insurance may compel you to jump overboard. Thankfully, your insurance agents can offer a life preserver to help you make the best decision about your policy to ensure smooth sailing all summer long.

Why does homeowner’s insurance cover more than market value?

Homeowner’s insurance is about insuring your home for what it would cost to replace or rebuild it, not for what you paid for the house or what you could sell it for. Right now, there are 3 big market factors that are causing a triple whammy effect on home insurance prices.

Know Your Value. Does Your Statement of Values Cover You?

When it comes to your commercial or business insurance policy, your value is only as good as your Statement of Values. If you don’t have an accurate and up to date Statement of Values, you could be underinsured and putting your business at risk, or overinsured and wasting money. 

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